Tagged: History

Volvo 144

My 6th Car was another White Volvo, a 4 door 144 model. Sadly I don’t have an actual photo of this car or details of the car registration plate. I did miss my 2...

Volvo 142

After the accidental fire ended my initial sports car venture, I decided to stick with steel bodied cars for a while. A nice (cheap) Volvo 142 1.8 litre 4 cylinder car was purchased, this...

Ginetta G15

During my ownership of the Ginetta G15 I acquired all the books about Ginetta & the G15, increasing my knowledge of the Marque. One interesting aspect of the Ginetta G15 was that it was...

Ginetta G15

Continuing the story of my Ginetta G15 ownership, with the engine very poorly, the car was towed home by my Dad’s Vauxhall Viva (this car being a dark Blue colour). With a very lightweight...


The opportunity arose to secure a rather tasty looking sports car, an MGB GT 1.8 litre in red, with wire wheels. To a young lad this was more like it. So this car was...