Toyota Corolla

My 1st Car was given to me by my Dad. I suppose it was okay for a starter car but for commuting the small capacity engine (I think it was a 1.0 litre) was very high revving. Sadly the dreaded rust was a big part of this car. This theme of cars rusting in front of your eyes, every day, was extremely common for most of my early cars, which were from the 1960’s, 1970’s & 1980’s.

I only have one picture of the Corolla & it only shows the Front Bonnet & Chrome Bumper. You may spot my 2nd Car in front of the Corolla, more of that car coming up next.

Initially I missed the thrill of controlling & riding a motorbike. For me there was something missing which at the time I didn’t appreciate as clearly this was my 1st car. Arriving for work every day dry & warm was pretty dam good for sure.

The registration year of the car was somewhere between 1970 & 1978 & was probably nearer the 1970 date, the colour being a darkish brown. This car was sold onto a next door neighbour who promptly tuned up the engine & converted the car to a full rally specification!

(image kindly provided by Wikipedia

My car was very similar to the one shown above.