Volvo 144 GL

Yes another Volvo became my next car. A light blue Volvo 144 GL. Again very little was paid for this car, a much newer model than my previous 2 Volvo’s. Again I have no actual photo’s of this car or details of the car registration plate. Rust was a problem with my later Volvo cars so this car did end up in the scrap yard!.

Volvo 144 GL

My first ever car accident happened with this car, when for some reason I ended up making contact with the rear end of an Austin Rover Metro ……. by accident. I had just had a brand new battery fitted & had to leave the car locked, close to where I worked. On my return to the car the next day, to tow it home, some nice person decided the car was an easy target & stole my new battery! At the time the battery was probably worth more than the car!

Volvo 144 GL